Anti-Chiro Ad
Read an interesting article today on some anti-chiro ads being displayed around towns in Connecticut. The World Chiropractic Alliance is doing something about it. How do you feel when you see ads like these being run? I don't feel anger. I don't feel a sense of unrightful persecution. I feel continual curiousity. I wonder why chiropractors have to constantly fight this uphill battle. I don't blame others for putting up such a campaign. I wonder how come I never see ads that say "Injured by an Orthodontist?" or "Injured by a Hairstylist?" It is dangerous and unproductive to just categorize those who run these ads to be simply naive. It will do the profession much good to first look within and see how these opinions of others can be corrected. Lawyers hired by the WCA are taking a stand, and they certainly play a vital role in this process, but ultimately, it will be scientists and researchers who will settle the matter once and for all.
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