More Musings on Blogs
It's friday afternoon and I'm getting ready for a packed weekend. Lots of things are still up in the air, so who knows how they'll all eventually fit together. Hopefully I'll get a chance to join in on some of the Bay to Breakers festivities. As a follow-up to a prior post regarding the virtues of blogs, I found an article posted earlier this week by none other than the brilliant Mark Cuban. Read his thoughts on the advantages of starting your personal blog.
Here in the blogosphere is a FREE wide-reaching platform for chiropractors to discuss anything you want at any time. It allows you to speak to your audience personally. Find me another forum that offers the same possibilities. I will leave you with the famous quote from Field of Dreams, "If you build it, he will come."
Here in the blogosphere is a FREE wide-reaching platform for chiropractors to discuss anything you want at any time. It allows you to speak to your audience personally. Find me another forum that offers the same possibilities. I will leave you with the famous quote from Field of Dreams, "If you build it, he will come."
Please come out to this blogger dinner and meet fellow bay area bloggers
Thanks for the invite Jeremiah. I'm looking forward to it.
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